• 基本解释:伊娃·程
  • Eva Cheng 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 郑李锦芬(1960–), native from Hong Kong, is a Chinese business executive. She serves as Executive Vice President, responsible for Amway markets in Greater China and Southeast Asia. Before assuming additional responsibility for the Southeast Asian markets in April 2005, Cheng was best known for driving the growth and development of Amway’s business in Greater China. Cheng holds a Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s of Business Administration Degree from the University of Hong Kong.
  • 名词(n.) 2008年欧洲杯专用足球,由阿迪达斯公司专门为欧洲杯所制作
  • 名词(n.) 欧洲通行证,证明赴欧申请者能力和技能的重要文件




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