• 基本解释:去院子里
  • go yard 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • phrase(phrase) 棒球比赛中击出本垒打
  • 戈亚德

包含go yard的单词更多>

go yard 相关例句更多>

  • Me Son, go mow the yard. Im going to read for a while.
    儿子, 取把院子里面的草割了。我看会儿书。
  • But if he didn't go to Harmony Yard, where else could he go
    不上人和厂, 又上哪里去呢
  • But we can go ahead and light sparklers in our own back yard?
  • I will go to the tile yard to see if they have those adobe shingles.
    我去瓦片材料厂 看看他们有没有那种砖石瓦砾。
  • All the actors were marshaled together in the yard, ready to go away.
  • She watched him go through the kitchen doorway, across the porch, and into the yard.
  • At the right moment I go with bride of have in yard an in beard in the releasing of the Ci source temple neighborhood together.




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