• 基本解释:椰子壳
  • coconut shell 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 椰子壳

coconut shell 相关例句更多>

  • A coconut shell full of water is an ocean to an ant.
  • A coconut shell full of water is an ocean to an ant.
  • The most common of these are wood, coal, lignite, and coconut shell.
    其中最常见的有木材, 煤, 褐煤, 椰子壳。
  • Acid washed coconut shell based granulars are also available from BPACP.
  • Alcoholysis of styrene oxide catalyzed by coconut shell char sulfonic acid
  • I will tell you the bamboo root carving, coconut shell carving and amber carving.
    我就谈谈竹根雕, 椰壳雕和琥珀雕吧。
  • Preparation of Activated Carbon with High Specific Surface Area from Coconut Shell
  • Coconut Shell Charcoal is fired by the shell of coco, its form is lumpish or mealy.
    椰壳炭化料是由椰壳烧制而成, 其形状为块状或粉状。
  • A novel process was adopted to gain activated carbon with high area from coconut shell charcoal.
  • After full destroying, separates the coconut tree brown textile fiber and the coconut shell powder automatically.
    经充分打碎后, 自动分离椰棕纤维及椰壳粉。




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