• 基本解释:Drug and Crime Data Center; 毒品与犯罪数据中心
  • DCDC 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • Drug and Crime Data Center,毒品与犯罪数据中心
  • Defence Contract Administration Services Representative,国防合同管理局代表
  • Deputy Chief of Air Staff,空军副参谋长
  • Defense Contract Audit Service,国防合同审计处
  • Defense Contract Administration Service,国防合同管理局
  • Data Collection and Analysis System,数据收集与分析系统

DCDC 相关例句更多>

  • Purpose Low voltage output amplifier, audio muting, DCDC converter.
    用途用于低电压输出放大, 音频静音, 直流直流转换。
  • Therefore, in this thesis the switched capacitor DCDC converters have been thoroughly studied.
  • The question of unbalance on PS PWM DCDC FB converter is discussed, and the solution is proposed.




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