• 单词发音:英 [ drɔp əˈkrɔs ] 美 [ drɑp əˈkrɔs ]
  • 基本解释:<非正>串门;偶遇
  • drop across 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • <非正>串门
  • 偶遇

drop across 相关例句更多>

  • Drop across and have coffee sometime.
  • I'll drop across him when he comes back.
  • We happened to drop across an abandoned car full of money.
  • Theoretical approach to pressure drop across cyclone separators
  • At the shopping centre across the road, you need a driver to drop you off.
    而要去街对面的购物中心, 你最好打车过去。
  • Drop across and have coffee sometime She wore a string of beads round her neck.
    有空来串门, 一起喝咖啡。她脖子上挂了一串珠子。
  • A tiny drop of blood drips off the toe of Hadley's shoe and splashes across Red's upturned cheek.
    一滴鲜血从哈雷的鞋尖上滴下, 溅到瑞德向上仰着的脸上。
  • Criteria for selection is minimum flow, normal flow, maximum flow and pressure drop across the valve.
    选型标准是最小流量, 正常流量, 最大流量和通过阀门的压降。
  • The devices for determination of voltage drop across membrane and for identification of ges blinding effect are also presented.




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