• 单词发音:英 [ θiŋk ˈbetə ɔv ] 美 [ θɪŋk ˈbɛtɚ ʌv ]
  • 基本解释:重新考虑决定不做,较高评价,认真考虑;转念
  • think better of 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 动词(v.) 重新考虑决定不做,较高评价,认真考虑
  • 动词(v.) 转念

think better of 相关例句更多>

  • I think we could attract a better caliber of men in here.
  • I do not think there is a better example of this than Adam and Eve.
  • It is better to think of simultaneous orgasms as agreeable coincidences.
  • ANCHOR What made you think you could do it better and make money out of it
  • But let me advise you to think better of it. I know your disposition, Lizzy.
  • Anyone who is tempted to fly in the face of discretion had better think twice
    任何打算贸然行事者, 最好三思而行。
  • Anyone who is tempted to fly in the face of discretion had better think twice.
  • Absolutely. Can't think of a better home for this baby than with the two of you.
    当然,我想不到还有比你们两个 更适合这个孩子的父母了。
  • Last year, one of my friends applied for a better job at her office. I did not think she would get it. I thought she had a hundred to one
    一百比一, 指概率极高, 非常可能




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