• 基本解释:rate over pressure evaluation 超高压力评估;repetitive organellar protein 重复细胞器官蛋白;respiratory ordered phase encoding 呼吸有序相位编码
  • ROPE 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) rate over pressure evaluation 超高压力评估
  • 缩写词(abbr.) repetitive organellar protein 重复细胞器官蛋白
  • 缩写词(abbr.) respiratory ordered phase encoding 呼吸有序相位编码
  • ROPE 大小写变形: Roperope


  • rope 粗绳
  • Rope [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 罗普 Roper的变体
  • grope 触摸,试探着前进
  • Ropes [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 罗普斯 Roper的变体
  • ropes 栏索; <非正>规矩,习俗
  • Roper [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 罗珀职业名称,制作或销售绳者,来源于古英语,含义是“绳”(rope)
  • ROPES remote on-line print executive system 远程联机打印执行系统
  • propel 推进
  • propeller 螺旋桨,推进器
  • europeanize 使欧化,使具有欧洲风格


ROPE 相关例句更多>

  • Baffle tied rope, a pull rope, dice can fall from the hopper.
  • Rope or canvas headgear for a horse, with a rope for leading.
    马的绳制或帆布的挽具, 有一根牵引的绳子。
  • He untied the bucket from the rope and tied the hook to the rope.
  • In will putting aside an outfit to be covered in rope, embed rope notch.
  • Practice of Replacing Main Rope and Cage Guide Rope for Multirope Friction Winder
  • Swing the jump rope over your head in a circular motion, making an arc with the taut rope.
    以环形运动将绳子甩过头部, 拉紧的绳子形成弓形。
  • After adjusting the rope break safety instrument, should do the simulated test of rope breaking.
    断绳安全装置调整完毕后, 应进行模拟断绳试验。
  • Leon throws the knife to the rope Ada is hanging on. The knife cuts down the rope and Ada falls down
  • The real pull in carrying rope and haul rope of reversible passenger tramway at the carriage running
  • It has been proved that adding rope arranging device for the winch is an effective method to solve the rope disorder phenomenon.
    实践证明, 为卷扬增设排绳装置是解决乱绳现象的有效手段。




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