• 单词发音:英 [ ˌɡəʊld ˈmedl ] 美 [ ˌɡoʊld ˈmedl ]
  • 基本解释:金质奖章,金牌
  • gold medal 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 金质奖章,金牌
  • gold medal 词态变化: 复数: gold medals

gold medal 相关例句更多>

  • Achieve a gold medal in every Arcade Race.
    参加所有过关挑战赛, 并全都获得金牌。
  • Men rs Team Sabre Medal Matches Gold Medal Match
  • They abused the gold medal, and made the competition unfair.
    给金牌抹了黑, 比赛也变得不公平了。
  • Each gold medal will have a mandatory requirement of6 grams of gold.
  • Heres the gold medallist, coming through cleanly, for the gold medal.
    这就是这个项目的金牌得主, 无可争议的冠军。
  • It is the way. They abused the gold medal, and made the competition unfair.
  • Wines that are awarded a gold medal with food are awarded Blue Gold status.
  • He won a national gold medal from many exhibitors, gold, silver, etc.18 times.
    在多次参展中荣获全国一 牌奖 际金奖等18次。
  • The Chinese won 15 gold medals and were ranked fourth in the gold medal tally.
  • Yes, I know they won 13 gold medals and were ranked fourth in the gold medal tally.




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