• 基本解释:

year(s) old 相关例句更多>

  • Many old people like to pray when the New Year's bell rings.
  • My seven-year-old daughter asked me for a new lap-top last week. She's such a digital native.
  • Sent to Scotland from the old traditional New Year's Eve to New Year, many traditional customs.
  • This year's report has reverted to the old style of reporting and is bereft of analytical content.
  • Almost everyone makes an occasion of New Year's Eve in order to see the old year out and welcome the new one.
  • On every lunar New Year's Eve, in order to keep themselves safe, people fled to the mountains, bringing along the old and the young.
    每年除夕, 为了平安, 他们都扶老携幼逃到深山里。
  • A group of interns with a nine year's old wunderkind led by the ministry of education of Korea visited the Microsoft Asia Reasearch Institute.
  • Since Muhammad Ali's fierce 22-year-old daughter Laila made a splash in her pro debut last October, Frazier-Lyde has ratcheted the hype up a notch.
  • There the 38-year-old programmer has created an effortless moneymaking scheme selling a variant of the 'domain names' that organize the Web's millions of addresses.
  • In September 1945 Emperor Hirohito, shamed by defeat, explained in a letter to his 12-year-old son Akihito that Japan's military had over-emphasized martial spirit and neglected science.




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