- 单词发音:英 [ breik ɔf ] 美 [ brek ɔf ]
- 基本解释:(使)分离;(使)脱离;停止;断交
- break off 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- (使)分离
- (使)脱离
- 停止
- 断交
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- I advised him to break off smoking.
- CAS Aircraft must break off the attack.
- Break off the attack!The shield is still up.
停止攻击, 防护罩尚未被消灭
- Then, he lets son try to break off the wooden bat.
然后, 他让其中一个儿子试着把木棒折断。
- He tried to break off the broken branch but failed in his attempt.
- In an attempt to diffuse the tension I suggested that we break off for lunch.
为了消除紧张感, 我建议我们停下来吃午饭。
- Icebergs are born when they calve off of glaciers or break off of ice shelves.
冰山的形成是 当它们从冰川断裂开 或者从冰架上断裂开。
- Hamas, triumphant at the turn of events, has urged the authority to break off the talks.
哈马斯在事态转变中胜出, 并敦促当局中止会谈。
- While dueling Veila, Ben appealed to her to break off her attack, hoping to return her to the light side.
- The doer of the dangerous offence prevents the take place of the criminal results, which can be regarded the break off of the actual damage offence.