• 单词发音:英 [ ˈjuːst tə ] 美 [ ˈjuːst tə ]
  • 基本解释:(用于过去持续或经常发生的事)曾经
  • used to 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • (用于过去持续或经常发生的事)曾经

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  • Get used to it as one gets used to living with a backache.
  • I used to abuse the unusual usage, but now I'm not used to doing so.
    我过去常滥用这个不寻常的用法, 但我现在不习惯这样做。
  • I used to abuse the unusual usage, but now i am not used to doing so.
    过去, 我常滥用这个不寻常的方法, 但我现在不习惯这样做。
  • I used to be a fan of Bach. I used to play it on the guitar, you know.
  • Nova I used to think too much. Now I do not think as much as I used to do.
  • Water is used to affix sugar to the rim of a glass and lime juice is used to affix salt.
    在制作糖边的时候使用水来润湿, 而盐边则使用青柠檬汁。
  • I used to look forward to the hot chocolate that we used to buy in the foyer afterwards.
  • Data is currently used to a profile of the internet user and used for targeting advertising.
    目前, 这些数据被用来建立网民个人档案并用于广告业务。
  • It is used to represent a voiceless retroflex plosive in the International Phonetic Alphabet, and is used some alphabets of African languages.
    此字母亦是 非洲参考字母之一,在某些非洲语言中使用。
  • antibiotics are used to fight such diseases as pneumonia, scarlet fever, and tuberculosis. Penicillin is the most widely used antibiotic. Others include streptomycin, chloromycetin, and aureomycin.

used to的近反义词




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