• 单词发音:英 [ hænd ɔn ] 美 [ hænd ɑn ]
  • 基本解释:转交; 转送;传下来; 传给下一代
  • hand on 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 转交
  • 转送
  • 传下来
  • 传给下一代

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  • Keep one hand on your bowl.Hold your bowl with your hand.
  • Side, a hand branch heads, and one hand on the bed, doing side leg lift.
  • Sit tall with knees bent, together and feet flat on floor, hand on shins.
  • Obama forward on the West Front of the Capitol lay his left hand on the Bible.
  • There is an hour hand, a minute hand and a second hand on the face of the clock.
  • You put one hand on your belly and the other on your chest as you breathe in and out.
    呼吸时, 把一只手放在腹部另一只放在胸部。
  • On Tuesday, Mr. Obama will place hand on Lincoln's Bible while taking the oath of office.
  • Meditation2. Buddha Sitting flat on ground with crossed legs, both hand on center of Lap.
  • Put left hand on hilum, the right hand holds double spermary in the palm, spend bolus of massage Shuang Gao gently 200 above.
    将左手放在脐上, 右手托起双睾丸, 轻度按摩双睾丸200次以上。
  • Please do like this, one hand on your back and the other inthe water bucket. Try to wash one hand without the help of the other!
    一只手放背后, 另一只放桶里, 试着用一只手洗一洗!




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