• 单词发音:英 [ ɡəʊ wɪð ] 美 [ ɡoʊ wɪð ]
  • 基本解释:相伴;跟…相配;跟…谈恋爱;赶时髦
  • go with 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 相伴
  • 跟…相配
  • 跟…谈恋爱
  • 赶时髦

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  • Go ahead. No, wait! I go with you.
  • Unless you go with me, I shall not go.
  • I can not get anybody to go with me, and so I go by myself.
    我不能让任何人跟我去, 所以我独自去了。
  • Go with laser can mole go clean and do not have a relapse ?
  • Then i go with him and together go to a Japanese restaurant and eat delicious food.
    然后, 我和他共同去一个日式餐厅, 吃可口的食物。
  • The cough, wheeze and shortness of breath are things that go with smoking, not with age.
  • People with high rank, privilege, etc must accept the responsibilities that go with their position
  • Your best bet would be to go with Titians mixed with some Infantry, and working your way up to Hammerheads.
  • accompany, conduct, escort, chaperon These verbs are compared when they mean to be with or to go with another or others.
  • If you want to taste something more exciting, you can go there. But remember to go with your parents and be careful. I believe you will have lots of fun.




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