• 单词发音:英 [ ki:p træk ɔv ] 美 [ kip træk ʌv ]
  • 基本解释:掌握…的最新消息;了解…的动态
  • keep track of 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 掌握…的最新消息
  • 了解…的动态

keep track of 相关例句更多>

  • Keep Track of Your System Accounting Data
  • Keep track of the time you actually travel.
  • He wanted to keep track of that alien implant in his head.
  • Can't even keep track of them with so many accidents at sea.
  • The draft plan was not able to keep track of the changing situation.
  • Keep track of what photic, adjustable surface and the darkened face.
    不合清施陡不面 洋调不面和黑调不面。
  • You must keep track of the total number of accounts, created as well.
    你必须追踪总数的帐户, 创造了。
  • It should keep track of the actions of the Staff, Administrators, and Owners.
  • To keep track of the data elements, the analyst might list each one a data dictionary.
    为了记录数据元素, 分析员必须把每个数据列在数据字典内。
  • The SES antenna cannot keep track of the satellite, probable diagnosis is the interface failure from the gyro repeater.
    船站不能跟踪卫星, 判断可能是罗经复示器接口有故障。




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