- 单词发音:英 [ lei daun ] 美 [ le daʊn ]
- 基本解释:放下;规定;放弃;建造
- lay down 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- 放下
- 规定
- 放弃
- 建造
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- She lay down to rest her tired and aching limbs.
- She walked across the floor and lay down on the bed.
- They put down their cudgels and lay down under the tree.
- She put down her sewing, lay down beside him to pat him to sleep.
她放了针线, 躺下去拍着他睡。
- This lays down, I have long three years, I chose this to lay down.
这放下, 我已经渴望了三千年, 我选择了这放下。
- The farmer lay down by the side of a tree to rest his tired and aching limbs.
- The imperialists will never lay down their butcher knives of their own accord.
- Lay Down a Solid Foundation for Retaining the Advanced Qualities of Party Members
- Drink coffee when they should lay down their dessert, snack time is to lay down their coffee cup.
饮咖啡时应当放下点心, 吃点心时则放下咖啡杯。
- Man of benevolence and lofty ideals should not, at the expense of benevolence, cling cravenly to life instead of braving death. He will, on the contrary, lay down his life for the accomplishment of benevolence.
志士仁人, 无求生以害仁, 有杀身以成仁。
lay down的近反义词