• 单词发音:英 [ ɡet daʊn tu ] 美 [ ɡet daʊn tu ]
  • 基本解释:开始认真处理, 对待
  • get down to 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 开始认真处理, 对待

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  • Let's get down to basics.
  • Let's strip away the cant and get down to bedrock.
  • We should be able to get it down to, like, two hours.
  • Anyhow, I like to clear the gutter before I get down to business.
    反正, 在我进入状况之前, 我喜欢洗沟。
  • President Obama get down to business soon after his arrival in Moscow.
  • She climbed to the roof of the house and then became afraid to get down.
    她爬到房顶后, 害怕下来。
  • The little cat climbed to the top of the tree and became afraid to get down.
  • I'm gonna go get a stretcher and get you down to the beach, I'll be right back.
    我要去拿担架抬你去滩头, 很快回来。
  • It took a lot of hard bargaining to get the price down to a level I could afford.
  • When you get down to business for the sake of fun then you miss a step backward into a negative!




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